New guidance on use of face coverings in social care settings

7 September 2022

There is new guidance from The Scottish Government about face coverings in social care settings.

The key changes are:

  • staff providing direct care do not need to routinely wear a face mask at all times during their shift
  • staff in non-direct care roles (e.g. catering, domestic or office staff) do not need to routinely wear a face covering in communal areas
  • visitors to adult care homes do not need to wear a mask or face covering including in communal areas
  • staff and visitors may choose to wear a mask, and this should be supported
  • while receiving care and support, individuals (or their representatives where relevant) may wish a member of staff to wear a mask. If so, this should be supported by staff and be recorded in care or support plans

Even with these changes, it is still open to individual care homes and facilities to decide when, how, and if they apply the guidance. The guidance allows for a person-centred approach, stating that …”those receiving care and support, staff and visitors may choose to wear a mask, and this should be supported”.