Jackie Howie is the CEO at Learning Link Scotland and has been in the role since 2014. Jackie leads on policy, advocacy and promotion of adult education and learning delivered by the voluntary sector, through representation on strategic and national committees and groupings, on policy such as the Adult Learning Strategy.
She has been instrumental through her leadership of the organisation in securing eight years of investment from the Scottish Government to develop services in order to grow and support the Learning Link Scotland membership; enhance policy development and demonstrate the impact of the voluntary adult learning sector on education, employment, health and wellbeing.
Jackie has worked across all sectors of adult learning, in addition to a long career in the voluntary sector, she has been a college and university lecturer and continues to link with colleagues across all sectors to develop a variety of projects.
In addition to a commitment to adult learning, Jackie is committed to creative projects and she hopes that she can bring a creative adult learning perspective to the work of the Luminate Board.