Creativity for Carers
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Creative art sessions for staff working in older people’s social care services
Last year, we initiated free creative art sessions for anyone working in older people’s social care – whether care homes, day centres or care at home.
This entirely new programme offered care staff a chance to explore their creativity in workshops led by five professional artists. Sessions of six workshops each took place in Edinburgh, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, Dundee and the Western Isles.
Through this project, we aimed to offer some joyful activities to boost participants’ wellbeing as we recovered from the pandemic.
Supporting staff to take part
It was important to us that staff could attend the sessions without affecting their work commitments or those of their colleagues.
Where sessions took place during a staff member’s working hours, Luminate provided their employing care service with a contribution of £15 per hour to help pay for staff cover. If staff joined sessions in their own time, we paid an individual bursary of £15 per hour to support their time on the project. Participants’ travel expenses were also reimbursed.
The projects were supported by Creative Scotland’s Covid Recovery Fund and run in partnership with Scottish Care.
The activities included: mural art with painting and collage (Glasgow); creative writing (Lanarkshire); art from nature and foraging (Edinburgh) and, collage, printing and bookmaking (Dundee) and weaving (Harris).