What we mean by ‘Creative Ageing’
The information below describes how we define ‘creative ageing’ for the Awards process.
The information below describes how we define ‘creative ageing’ for the Awards process.
Luminate defines “creative ageing” very widely. Older people engage with the arts and creativity in many ways, and we believe that all of them are important.
Our Creative Ageing Awards are part of our 10th anniversary celebrations. They will recognise arts, crafts, film and creative media projects and activities which EITHER target older audiences and participants, OR target cross-generational participants, OR are aimed at a wider audience and have a theme related to ageing.
Activities can be led by professional artists, teachers, community workers, social care and healthcare staff, and/or community volunteers. Some projects will be led by a mix of these groups.
Our individual awards will recognise an older person who creates their own artistic work, and someone who plays an inspirational role in the field of creative ageing.
The details of what we are looking for in each category are outlined separately here.
To be eligible for consideration for a Luminate Creative Ageing Award, your nomination should relate to projects or programmes that:
We define intergenerational projects as those that bring younger and older people together in creative activities that are mutually beneficial and enjoyable, promoting greater understanding and respect between the generations.